
4.8 STORE menu
Use this menu to store previously created presets in the internal memory.
If you need more memory capacity you can store your presets
externally on a PC (data dump via RS-232 or LINK RS-485 interface).
Fig. 4.45: Store Internal
The window on the right-hand side lists the presets already stored in the internal
memory. You can allocate a memory location to the preset, give it a NAME
and overwrite an existing con guration or select an unused memory location.
If you want to overwrite an existing preset, thencon rm your command with
OK. The display will prompt you to con rm once again. Press OK to con rm,
or CANCEL to quit.
Fig. 4.46: Store Internal
If the preset to be overwritten was previously locked in the PRESET LOCK menu
(see chapter 4.8.4), the process cannot be completed; a corresponding message
is displayed.
Fig. 4.47: Store Internal
If you save to an unused preset location, the store command will be executed
directly, i.e. without further prompts.
Please note that you have to assign a name to each preset.
Presets without a proper name cannot be saved.
Your DCX2496 features an AUTO-STORE function. This means that
all settings are saved automatically, once every few seconds, to a
temporary, non-volatile memory. For example, if there is a power
failure while youre editing, at least the last few edits (before the
last auto-store operation) are available directly from the auto-store
memory. This function cannot be disabled.
Fig. 4.48: Store Delete/Format
On the next menu page you can erase presets from the internal memory.
Similar to the previous page, then, in the right-hand window, mark the
preset to be deleted. When you press OK, the display prompts you to con rm
your selection.
Fig. 4.49: Store Delete/Format
Press OK to delete the preset. Locked presets cannot be deleted.
4.8.3 COPY
On the third page of the STORE menu you can copy presets from one
location to another.
Fig. 4.50: Store Copy
Select the SOURCE PRESET and the DESTINATION PRESET. The display indicates
both the number, name and status (LOCKED/UNLOCKED) of the preset.
Fig. 4.51: Store Copy
Locked DESTINATION PRESETS cannot be overwritten. In this case,
the display informs you that the process cannot be completed.
Since SOURCE PRESETS will not get lost during the copying process,
it does not matter whether they are locked or not.
When all settings have been made and con rmed with OK, the DESTINATION
PRESET is directly overwritten and the display indicates the name of the new
preset. Locked SOURCE PRESETS are stored as unlocked presets. To lock them,
goto the next page of the STORE menu (PRESET-LOCK). You can also unlock
Fig. 4.52: Store Preset-Lock
The last page of the STORE menu allows you to LOCK or UNLOCK your presets.
The right-hand window displays the preset. Use ALL PRESETS to select all presets.
Press OK to lock the preset, or CANCEL to unlock it.
Here, you can unlock a DESTINATION PRESET you wish to overwrite, or lock
recently copied presets.
5. Audio Connections
The BEHRINGER ULTRADRIVE PRO DCX2496 has standard electronically balanced
inputs and outputs. The circuit design has an automatic hum suppression with
balanced signals and is able to operate, without problem, even at highest
levels. Externally-induced mains hum etc. is thus e ciently suppressed.
Theservo-function, also automatic, recognizes the connection of unbalanced
pin assignments and changes the nominal level internally so that there is no
di erence in level between the input and output signals (6dB correction).
Please ensure that only qualified persons install and operate the
device. During installation and operation the user must have sufficient
contact to earth. Electrostatic discharges might affect the operation of
the unit.
For unbalanced use, pin 1 and pin 3
have to be bridged
1 = ground/shield
2 = hot (+ve)
3 = cold (-ve)
Balanced use with XLR connectors
Fig. 5.1: XLR connections
6. Applications
On the following pages we present the most useful applications for your
ULTRADRIVE PRO, using a few practical examples. For each example there is
an appropriate preset available, which you can use as a starting point for your
own set-ups.
Please note that these presets provide only basic outline settings that must
be adapted to meet your speci c requirements in terms of loudspeaker,
ampli erand room acoustics!
The application examples are arranged in three groups:
1. Classic setups (chapters 6.1 – 6.6)
2. Special applications: zoning / delay lines / surround
(chapters 6.7 – 6.9)
3. Large-scale applications requiring two DCX (chapters 6.10 – 6.12)