Owner's Manual

64 X32 DIGITAL MIXER Preliminary User Manual
7.13.3 Scenes Screen: Parameter Safe Tab
The scenes screen’s “parameter safe” tab congures which console parameters
are and are not saved/switched with the console scenes. This is very useful
when the operator has certain parameters that they wish to remain in control
of, andwould never want to have altered during a scene change, for example,
themic pre gains on the input channels.
To adjust the various settings on the Parameter Safe tab, perform the
1. Rotate any of the rst 4 encoders to navigate among the checkboxes in the
color screen, which represent various console areas that can be isolated from
scene changes.
2. Tap any of the rst 4 encoders to select the console areas that have been
selected with the encoders. In each of the four columns, multiple console
areas can be selected and isolated from scene changes.
The following areas of the console can be isolated from scene changes, and are
divided up into 4 columns on the color screen:
Column 1: Input Channels
• HA (Head Amp/Microphone Preamp)
• Conguration
• Channel Equalizer
• Channel Gate/Compressor
• Channel Insert
• Channel Groups
• Fader, Pan, Mute, Mix Ons
Column 2: Input Channels
• Mix sends 1-16
Column 3: Mix Buses
• Mix sends 1-16
• Conguration
• Equalizer
• Compressor
• Insert
• Groups
• Fader, Pan, Mute, Matrix Ons
Column 4: Console
• Conguration
• Solo
• Routing
• Output Patch
7.13.4 Scenes Screen: Channel Safe Tab
The scenes screen’s “channel safe” tab congures which console channels are
and are not changed when a console scene change occurs. This allows the
user to “protect” certain channels from ever changing during a scene change,
givingthem as much control as possible for key audio sources.
For example, in a theater context, the console operator may have dialed in just
the right EQ and compressor settings and channel volume for the voice of the lead
actor, and does not wish to have them altered when the console changes scenes
and alters various parameters.
To adjust the various settings on the Channel Safe tab, perform the
1. Rotate any of the 6 encoders to navigate among the check boxes in the color
screen, which represent various groups of channels that can be isolated from
scene changes.
2. Tap any of the 6 encoders to select the console areas that have been
highlighted with the encoders. In each of the 6 columns, multiple console
areas can be selected and isolated from scene changes.
The following areas of the console can be isolated from scene changes, and are
divided up into six columns on the color screen:
Column 1: Channels
• Input Channels 1-16
Column 2: Channels
• Input Channels 17-32
Column 3: Buses
• Aux 1-8
• FX 1L through 4R
Column 4: Returns
• Mix 1-16
Column 5: Main/Matrix/Groups
• Matrix 1-6
• LR Bus
• Center/Mono Bus
• DCA groups 1-8
Column 6: Eects Slots
• FX 1-8