User`s manual

2.1 Basic Settings
We recommend setting the controls as indicated in the following three sections. This will give you a better idea
of switch and control functionality:
1. Set the BEHRINGER DUALFEX PRO to bypass mode (IN/OUT switch not depressed), the TUNE controls
to center position and all switches to their OUT position.
2. Turn all other controls fully CCW and depress both IN/OUT switches. Now turn the MIX controls of the low
and high-frequency sections slowly clockwise until the fundamental bass and high frequencies become
more emphasized and the sonic image begins to open up or to widen.
3. The quality of the sound enhanced signal can be adapted to the program material by varying the cut-off
frequency using the SHIFT and MODE switches and/or the TUNE and PROCESS controls.
When using enhancers or exciters it is easy to get carried away. Therefore, we recommend regular A/B
comparisons (IN/OUT) while setting the controls, in order to constantly check the signals integrity. Rule of
thumb: the enhancers effect only should be noticeable when it is lacking, but not when it is present!
Listening at high volume levels over long periods (in studios, for example) leads to listening fatigue and thus
reduces sensitivity to higher frequencies. Regular pauses keep your hearing healthy and thereby help to avoid
exaggerated sound processing.
2.2 Typical Applications
2.2.1 Sound Enhancement During Replay
For this application, the BEHRINGER DUALFEX PRO follows the master or multi-track recorder, i.e., inserted
between tape machine and mixer (or amplifier). Of course, a cassette recorder, or similar, can also be used
as signal source. If a companding noise reduction system is used in this situation, it should precede the
2.2.2 Sound Enhancement During Recording
The sound enhancing effect can be increased by using the BEHRINGER DUALFEX PRO not only during
replay, but during recording. This method of sound processing is recommended, in particular, if the subsequent
storage medium is of poor quality. When doing tape duplications, the enhancer signal added during the
recording will compensate for the loss in quality which occurs when several generations of copies are made
from the master tape.
In this scenario, insert the BEHRINGER DUALFEX PRO directly after the master output of the mixer into the
recording path of the master or multi-track machine. Set up the unit as described in section 3.2.1 Sound
Enhancement During Replay.
In particularly difficult cases, we recommend using the BEHRINGER DUALFEX PRO both during recording and
2.2.3 Enhancing the Sound of Subgroups, Monitor and Effect Paths
For this application there are several options:
1. If your mixer features subgroup outputs with insert points, you can process the subgroups separately.
2. You can also combine monitor and effect paths and route them via the BEHRINGER DUALFEX PRO to a
free input channel. The respective signals have to be taken pre-fader, the respective channels must be
muted. It will be useful to insert the BEHRINGER DUALFEX PRO as the last component in the chain of
effects devices. The summed signals will then be routed through the DUALFEX PRO, and sent back to the
master via the effect returns.