User's Manual

8 MINIMON MON800 User Manual
3. Control Elements and Connections
3.1 Front panel
(1) (2)
(3) (8) (11) (12) (13)(6)
(4) (7) (9) (10)(5)
Fig. 3.1: Front panel control elements of the MON800
(1) Use the four switches in the SOURCE section to select up to four
input sources (MIX A and B, CD/TAPE C and D) for monitoring
and recording. If desired, several sources can be activated at
the same time. Subsequently, the signals are mixed. Each active
source is indicated by its switch lighting up.
(2) The two LED displays are for monitoring the output level of the
2-TRACK OUT outputs. They comprise 6 LEDs each. When the
CLIP LED lights up, this indicates that distortion may occur.
In this case, please reduce the levels of the signal sources
connected to the input of the MON800.
(3) A pair of headphones with a ¼" TRS connector (e.g. BEHRINGER
HPS5000) can be connected to the PHONES jack. This output is
wired in parallel with the rear-panel output jack (15), so that up
to two headphones can be used at the same time.
(4) With the PHONES LEVEL control you can adjust the
volume for the two headphones jacks on the front or rear
The volume on the headphones from the front and rear
panel jacks cannot be adjusted separately.
(5) SPK A LEVEL governs the volume level of the SPEAKERS OUT A
outputs (18). SPK B + C LEVEL allows you to set the volume for
outputs B and C (17) simultaneously.
(6) Use the switches A/B/C ON to switch the speakers A, B and C on
and o. While mixing it is advisable to listen to your production
over at least two dierent pairs of speakers, so as to get an
objective impression of your mix. If you wish to switch between
dierent monitoring systems, press the corresponding switches
of the active and of the inactive speaker pair one after the
other. Active speakers are always indicated by their switches
lighting up.
(7) With the MUTE switch you can disable all loudspeaker and
headphones outputs.
(8) The MONO switch switches all monitor paths to mono. Thisis
useful, in particular, when you want to check your mix for
mono compatibility. Extreme panorama settings and excessive
use of eects, such as chorus, phaser and anger in the
stereo mix can lead to signal cancellations during playback in
mono. Suchphase problems can easily be detected with the
(9) The DIM switch lowers the level of the monitor paths by -20 dB.
This allows you, for example, to talk to somebody while mixing
without losing track of the recording.
Switches (7) to (9) light up when the corresponding
functions are active. The functions performed by
these switches do not affect the signals of the two
2-TRACK OUT outputs.
(10) Use the TALK LEVEL control to adjust the sensitivity of the
talk-back microphone.
(11) The talk-back microphone is installed behind the MIC openings.
Speak into the microphone to make announcements which are
then routed to the recording devices connected to the 2-TRACK
OUT outputs. This allows you to record the numbers or names
of dierent recording takes, for example, and thus maintain a
clear overview of your work. Additionally, the microphone can
be used to communicate with the musicians who can hear your
voice on their headphones.