User's Manual

User instructions
Here it’s possible defining the power profiles for hours and days of the week.
Each hour can be associated to any target available (T3 to T0), defined at the previ-
ous step.
When “T0
” is selected, no bar will be displayed.
To copy the current profile to the next day one, force to “T
” the value of “Copy over
next day:” by pressing the encoder on it.
The day for the which the data are inserted is shown by “Target power on day of
6.1.6 System Menu ! Clock Pwr Target 2 of 2 / Telemetry Config
The device may be equipped by a telemetry board for working with a LAN. In this
case, it must be properly set (defaults are shown in this screen if the option is
installed). The system administrator is required for correct setting the “IP Address
SubNet Mask
” and “Gateway” values.
DHCP Status
” indicates if the IP Address is managed in fixed (“FALSE”) or in
dynamic (“TRUE
”) mode. “Battery Status” shows info about efficiency of the
backup battery.
al. RTC:” = “TRUE” force the internal time clock reference.
:” , “Reset:” and “Power_on:” show the status of the board.