User's Manual

Informative letter
1.3 Exclusion
The customer expressly accepts the exclusion from the terms of Elenos Srl warranty’s
coverage all damages caused by electrical discharges (lighting) and incorrect power sup-
ply voltages, as well as by the Customer’s negligence, carelessness or unskillfulness, or
by unauthorized staff maintenance operations or by replacements of original parts of the
equipment with new systems or spare parts not directly supplied by Elenos Srl or by its aut-
horized distributors, or by a use of the product other than those intended for the same pro-
duct, or from any action or fact attributed to third parties who have access to the product
for the same Customer’s approval or even without the Customer being aware thereof after
that the latter has received the delivery of the products.
The warranty expressly excludes coverage for damages caused by fires, floods, or other
natural disasters, wars, revolts, as well as in all cases the equipment becomes the mate
rial object of a crime.
The warranty is also expressly excluding coverage for damages occurred after the delivery
of the equipment by Elenos Srl to the carrier, being the Customer responsible for any risk
related to the transport, since its time−frames, costs and methods are chosen and covered
by the same Customer.
1.4 Exemption from liability
The customer is responsible for installation, maintenance and control products, as well as
verification that the climatic and environmental conditions, in which the products are pla-
ced, are suitable for their use and do not affect the operation. All in observance of Elenos
Srl’s manual attached to the product purchased, that must be the reference for the custo-
mer to require validly and effectively the replacement or repair under warranty. Conversely,
if the customer fails to observe the precepts contained in the instruction manual, as well
as the minimum care required to the normal user of such equipment, the guarantee granted
by Elenos Srl will not operate and the customer himself will totally assume the risk of any
damages occurred to the products.
Elenos Srl reserves the right to make possible changes to parts, details and accessories
that may be considered opportune to be done for the improvement of the equipment, or
to meet the needs connected to constructive and commercial requirements, in any
moment, without prior notice of it and without committing to upgrade immediately this
For details, please consult the Terms and Conditions documents.