Maintenance Manual

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©2021 Broadcast Electronics
Field #36 Left & Right Level
Nom: 60.9% + 6.0dBm
This field displays based on the advance stereo decoder card option detected. With this option, it is
possible to vary the output level of the stereo signal on the decoded rear outputs in steps equal to or
less than 0.1 dB over almost the entire range between -8.4 and +12.0 dBm. The percentage does not
refer to the output level but to the position of the internal electronic attenuator which has 256 steps.
Field #37 Headphone Volume
======= 08
Currently, Fields #36 and #37 are in the control software only. When the advanced stereo decoder
card and the relative headphone output are detected, the relative output level or volume can be
varied from here. Again, the variation is logarithmic for a more constant variation effect for each step
of the control. There are 16 steps of 3 dB each for a dynamic range of 45 dB between about 0.5 and j
100mW on a 16 Ohm headphone.
Field #39 Serial Number
This field is factory set displays at the end of the Setup Branch.