User's Manual

UP Plus 2 User Manual 35
The default value for this parameter is set to 2mm.
Nozzle: represents the distance between nozzle and the print platform when it is at the
bottom position. It is essential that this value be correctly set for good printing. See
section 3.3.2. for instructions on calibrating your printer.
Part Options
Surface: This parameter determines how many layers form the bottom face of a part
when it is not solid. For example, if you set it to 3, the machine will print 3 complete
layers before going into non-solid mode. This does not, however, affect the side wall
thickness on non-solid parts, which are all the same thickness (approximately 1.5mm)
irrespective of the fill mode.
Angle: The part Angle determines at what point solid (dense) support material gets
used. If the angle is small than the printer will add solid fill layers under the part
surface. The thickness of this solid (dense) support is determined by the dense
parameter under the Support options as described below.
Fill Options
There are four ways to fill the interior of the parts, as described below.
The Part is made of nearly solid plastic, which gives you the
strongest part. This setting is recommended for functional
engineering parts. On previous software version this was
referred to as ―Solid‖
The part has an outer wall thickness of solid plastic (about
1.5mm), but its interior is filled with a reasonably small
scaffold structure. On previous software version this was
referred to as ―Loose‖
The part has an outer wall thickness of solid plastic (about
1.5mm), but its interior is filled with a medium spaced
scaffold structure. On previous software version this was
referred to as ―Hollow