User's Manual

UP Plus 2 User Manual 48
TIP: Many users also soak their nozzle in acetone to clean them, or even use an
ultrasonic cleaning bath to help clean their nozzles
Removing / Changing the nozzle
Should the nozzle become blocked, you may need to remove it in order to unblock, or
change it. To remove the nozzle, use the nozzle wrench provided in the toolkit that
comes with your Up Printer. It is, generally, easiest to remove the nozzle when it is hot
and, should you need more torque than can be applied with the small screw on the
wrench, replace it with the small Allen key form the toolkit to provide more power.
Cleaning the platform
If you are using the special green paint on your platform, the platform requires
cleaning after a few prints to get it back to a smooth surface. Simply remove the
platform from the machine and soak it in water for a few hours and the paint will peel
of easily.
Once clean, repaint it with green paint, or cover it with blue masking tape.