User's Manual

UP Plus 2 User Manual 50
7.0. Tips & Tricks
Large parts can sometimes have their corners lift from the platform, which causes the
part to distort. This is caused by uneven heat across the surface of the platform.
Preheating the platform before beginning large parts is essential to minimize this
lifting. Also, the faster you can print such parts, the less lifting you are likely to get.
Some ways to increase print quality include:
If possible, try to avoid printing such large parts in solid mode.
Set the layer resolution to as high as you can get away with.
Print the part in ―Fast‖ mode.
Removing the screws that attach the print platform to the printer can be inconvenient.
This can be made much easier by printing little screw caps with handles on them, that
get epoxied to the screw heads. This means the screws can then be removed without
the need for a tool. Files for the screw caps can be downloaded from:
After printing, use a fast drying epoxy glue to glue them onto the screws, Clamp the
screw and cap in a vice until the glue is dry to prevent the screw cap not sitting firmly
on the screw.