Users Manual Part 1

7.3 Matrix Leveling (9-Point Compensation)
Tiertime Matrix Leveling can effectively reduce the adverse effects of tilt and uneven
surface of build platform. The leveling will not affect the print's dimensional
accuracy in contrary to other leveling methods. Its leveling mechanism is to first
measure the platform heights at 9 different points and then use the values to
generate a compensating raft that provides a flat and leveled build surface. Then
the object is print onto the raft for best print quality and platform adhesion.
The Leveling process could done automatically or manually on UP300D.
1. Platform may be tilted
and print surface may be
uneven (may not be visible
in real situation). Platform
height at 9 different points
are measured (arrows) by
automatic probe or
manually with paper.
2. A compensating raft is
laid onto the platform to
build a flat and leveled
surface. The amount of
compensation depends on
the result of the previous
3. Object is printed on the
raft. Note object’s bottom
is flat and horizontal in
contrary to the platform’s
tilted and uneven surface.