User's Manual

12.2 Main Menu
There are six buttons in the Main Menu: Material, Print, Calibrate, Information,
Config, and Initialize.
The following table lists all the information of icons in the Main Menu and
summarizes the actions associated with each icon.
The printer must be initialize first before printing.
The Material, Calibration and Print buttons on the Main menu of the
touchscreen will be greyed out before the printer is properly
1. Change Material Type
2. Withdraw Material
3. Extrude Material
4. Set Material Weight
1. Print Job Current List
2. Print Job History List (Print Task Management)
3. Print Job’s Details
3. Pause the ongoing print job, and change the material.
1. Auto Nozzle Height Detection
2. Set Nozzle Height Manually
1. Basic Printer Information:
Model Name, Serial Number, Firmware Version, Screen Version,
Total Print Time, Total Weight of the Material Consumed, LAN
M.A.C., WLAN M.A.C..
2. Reset Printer Profile.
3. System Language Settings.
Setup Wifi and view network settings
Machine Settings: button sound, wifi, autolevel, auto update,
password, email notification