User's Manual

15.4.1 Partial Blockage
A partially blocked extruder will under-extrude and has following symptoms:
1. Spaghetti or spiral like extrusion when use the manual extrude function of Wand.
Normally the extrusion should be straight.
2. Extrusion line is thinner and the part produce become very weak and sponge like.
3. Visible uneven layers.
Partial blockage are usually take place at nozzle, so change a new nozzle will likely solve the
problem. If under extrusion persist after nozzle change, could be the issue of print
15.4.2 Completely Blockage
A complete blockage prevents filament to be extruded. The symptoms could be filament
grinding at extruder wheel or the extruder produce clunky noise. The blockage could be at
the nozzle or at the heater module or sometimes at the spool.
1. The first step is to determine where is the blockage, so first check if the unreeling of spool
is normal, sometimes the filament become tangled therefore no filament can be extruded.
2. If the spool is normal, then remove the nozzle (remeber to heat up the extruder first) and
try extrude filament without the nozzle. If filament can be extrude well then the blockage is
at the nozzle, just replace a new nozzle to restore printing.
3. If the extrusion is still blocked with the nozzle taken off, then the blockage is at the heater
module. This situation is more difficult to resolve and more likely to happen in Convergence
Dual extruder.
15.4.3 Remove blockage at heater module
1. Try heat up the extruder with temperature that is higher than normal, eg. For PLA the
melting temp is 210, user may heat up to 280. Then use the push pin (included in
accessory kit) to push from top filament entry all the way through the heater block.