Operation Manual

30 Dishwasher / User’s Manual/42 EN
Operating the product
Eco * Intensive Clean&Shine Quick&Shine Mini
50 ºC 70 ºC 65 ºC 60 ºC 35 ºC
Most economical
washing programme
for the medium soiled
daily dishes that are
kept waiting.
Suitable for heavily
soiled dishes, pots
and pans.
Daily washing
programme for
normally soiled
Daily washing
programme for
normally soiled
dishes in the fastest
Suitable for lightly
soiled daily dishes
that are scraped or
Medium High Medium Medium Low
++++ -
210 120 120 58 30
11,5 17,6 16,2 11,8 11,8
1,03 1,65 1,38 1,20 0,80
Programme Table
The consumption values shown in the table were determined under standard conditions. Differences may therefore occur under prac
tical conditions. * Reference
programme for testing institutes. The tests in accordance with EN 50242 must be carried out with a full water softener salt dis
penser and a full rinse aid reservoir,
and using the test programme.
Programme number
Programme name
Cleaning temperature
Degree of Soiling
Energy (kWh)
Duration (min)
Water (I)
Sensitivity: Public