Operation Manual

Tps for energy savng
Followng nformaton wll help you
use the product n an ecologcal and
energy-ecent manner.
• Wpe away any coarse food
remnants on the dshes before
puttng them n the product.
• Operate the product after fllng t
• When selectng a programme,
refer to the “Programme Table”.
• Do not put more detergent than
suggested on the detergent
Water softenng system
C The dishwasher requires soft
water. If the hardness of the
water is above 6°dH, the water
must be softened and descaled.
Otherwise, ions that create the
hardness will accumulate on the
surfaces of the dishes and may
adversely affect the washing,
shining and drying performances
of the product.
The product s equpped wth a water
softenng system whch reduces the
hardness of ncomng water. Ths
system softens the supply water that
enters nto the product to a level that
wll allow washng the dshes wth the
requred qualty.
Adjustng the water
softenng system
Washng performance wll ncrease
when water softenng system s
adjusted properly.
Use the test strpe suppled wth
the product to determne the supply
water hardness n order to adjust the