Operation Manual

C Informaton about sutable
places (detergent dspenser,
basket etc.) n the dshwasher
to place the tablet can be found
amongst the usage nstructons
on the packages of the tablet
Tablet detergent types commonly
found n the market:
2n1: Contans detergent, rnse ad or
water softenng salt
3n1: Contans detergent, rnse ad
and water softenng salt
4n1: Contans glass protectors n
addton to detergent, rnse ad and
water softenng salt
5n1: Contans glass and stanless
steel protectors n addton to
detergent, rnse ad and water
softenng salt
C Observe the nstructons of the
detergent manufacturer on
the package when usng tablet
When you swtch to powder
detergent from tablet detergent:
1. Make sure that salt and rnse ad
reservors are full.
2. Set the water hardness to the
hghest level and perform an
empty run.
3. After the empty washng cycle,
revew the user manual and
readjust the water hardness level
so as to sut the water supply.
4. Make the approprate rnse ad
C Dependng on the model, salt
ndcator and/or rnse ad ndcator
must be enabled agan f they
were dsabled before.
“clck” wll be heard when the ld s
C In programmes wth prewash and
at hgh temperature, n whch you
use tablet detergents, make sure
that the detergent dspenser ld s
closed frmly.
C Use powder detergent n short
programmes wthout prewash
snce the solublty of the tablet
detergent changes dependng on
the temperature and tme.
A Excessve usage of powder
detergents wll cause the
detergent not dssolve completely
and wll also cause scratches on
the glassware.
Tablet detergents
Table detergents exhbt water
softenng and / or rnse ad eect n
addton to detergent eect. Some
types of these detergents also
contan specal-purpose washng
chemcals such as glass and stanless
steel protectors.
C Tablet detergents gve satsfyng
results only under certan usage
condtons. The best washng
performance n dshwashers s
obtaned by usng detergent,
rnse ad and water softenng salt