Operation Manual

Techncal specfcatons
Ths product comples wth the followng EU drectves:
Development, producton and sales stages of ths product comply
wth the safety rules ncluded n all pertanng European Communty
2006/95/EC, 2004/108/EC, 93/68/EEC, IEC 60436, EN 50242
Power nput 220-240 V, 50 Hz
Total power consumpton 1800-2100 W
Heater power
1800 W
Total current
(depends on the model)
10 A (see type plate)
Dran pump power
30 W
Water pressure 0.3 –10 bar (= 3 – 100 N/cm = 0.03-1.0 Mpa)
C Techncal specfcatons may be changed wthout pror notce to mprove
the qualty of the product.
C Fgures n ths manual are schematc and may not match the product
C Values stated on the product labels or n the documentaton accompanyng
t are obtaned n laboratory condtons n accordance wth the relevant
standards. Dependng on operatonal and envronmental condtons of the
product, these values may vary.
Note for test nsttutons:
Data requred for performance tests shall be provded upon request. Requests
can be e-maled to the followng address:
Do not forget to provde the code, stock and seral numbers of the product to be
tested n your request e-mal along wth your contact nformaton. Code, stock
and seral numbers of the product s located on the type label attached to the
sde of the door.