User`s guide

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The amplifier’s sonic performance will start to stabilize after approximately 100 hours of
continuous power up. We recommend that the amplifier remains powered for optimum
The e.One S500 amplifier is a dual-mono
audio power amplifier that delivers over
400 watts into 4 ohm loads. Each amplifi-
er contains its own dedicated regulated
power supply for all amplifier stages,
including the output section. This is
achieved in a compact and elegant prod-
uct through our adaptation of the latest
analog switching amplifier and power
supply technology from the ICEpower
A proprietary Bel Canto input stage pro-
vides optimumally balanced drive signal
into the amplifier and maximizes common
mode rejection while minimizing distor-
tion and noise components. Use of high
quality Caddock resistors and ultra-low
ESR solid electroytic capacitors insures
the most musical and transparent
This technology brings unprecedented
performance gains in absolute musical
performance. The regulated power supply
and fully balanced analog switching
amplifier architecture liberates your loud-
speakers to perform at their best. The
ultra-low noise operation insures that the
most subtle of musical expressions comes
through with palpable clarity.
The superb measured performance
insures that harmonic and intermodulation
distortion don’t interfere with the pristine
beauty or raw power of the musical mes-
The e.One series amplifiers from
Bel Canto insure that you fully
experience the musical intensity
and beauty of your favorite artists.
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page 4© 2008 bel canto design, Ltd.
S500 User 's Guide 0608 Rev A.