User`s guide

DDoo nnoott ccoonnnneecctt ppoowweerr ttoo tthhiiss aammpplliiffiieerr yyeett!!
This amplifier, like any electrical component, can be dangerous and cause injury unless
correct handling procedures are observed and used. Before powering this preamplifier it is
necessary to read and follow proper procedures concerning its setup and use.
AAnnyy ttaammppeerriinngg ooff iinntteerrnnaall ppaarrttss wwiillll iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy vvooiidd yyoouurr wwaarrrraannttyy..
USA customers: For Warranty Coverage complete and mail the Owner's Registration
Papers immediately.
The S500 Amplifier box contains:
1 User's Guide
1 - Power Cable for connection
to utility power [1.85m,
6' long]
1 S500 Amplifier.
1 - Owner's Warranty /
Registration Sheet
Carefully inspect your new unit and check
for shipping damage. If there is any
damage, or if any piece is missing,
please contact your dealer, distributor
or Bel Canto Design.
Save all packing materials as the packing
is specially designed to protect the ampli-
fier for shipping or transporting it. If you
lose or damage the packing materials or
carton, please contact your dealer or dis-
tributor before attempting to transport the
The power supply is preset for the proper
AC power line voltage before you receive
it. The power cable will have the correct
plug for your local power system.
IIff yyoouu
bbeelliieevvee tthhiiss iiss nnoott ttrruuee,, pplleeaassee ccoonn--
ttaacctt yyoouurr ddeeaalleerr iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy.. DDoo nnoott
aatttteemmpptt ttoo aalltteerr oorr cchhaannggee ppoowweerr
sseettttiinnggss yyoouurrsseellff.. TThhiiss wwiillll vvooiidd tthhee
page 5© 2008 bel canto design, Ltd.
S500 User 's Guide 0608 Rev A.