User's Manual

* If empty location, then go to the standby mode with error beep.
Multi handset features
The phone supports up to 3 connected handsets.
To register the handset to base station, press and hold FLASH in either party (handset and base) for over 1 sec. Then the
display “Register” is shown in handset and the STATUS led in base is flashing.
After the completion of registration, the display “Successful” is shown with the confirmation tone and the STATUS led in
base is steady on with the confirmation tone.
If fail to register, then repeat the above procedure.
Call support with 3 handsets
It is possible that Intercom between two handset, even while a third handset is maintaining an external call.
It is not available that while one handset is connected the PSTN/Cellular call, another handset is not try to connect the
PSTN/Cellular call.
The screened call transfer is not available.
No service warning
If the handset’s distance is too far from the base unit, or if the selected service is not available, then the display “No service”
is shown with warning tone.
Range limit tone during a call
During a call, in range limit conditions, the handset will play a warning tone in the ear piece, The tone is repeated until range
condition are bad. If the handset goes out of range, the call is released (on both handset and base)
Low battery warning
If the battery condition is low, then the low battery warning tone is heard in handset.
If the battery condition is low on talk mode, and drop the call after 10 seconds,
If the battery condition is low in standby mode, any function is not working at all.