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PC-Tool User Manual
for NV/NVF Series Actuators
The control is switched off when you click Motor stop. This function is not available with the
control types open/close and 3-point.
Measurement values
During the simulation, the stroke is displayed in % of the absolute (mechanically limited) range
in millimeters and converted according to the scale setting as a feedback voltage in volts.
4.2 Reading out sensors and switches
The values of sensors and switches can be read out in MP mode. This function, however, must
be activated in advance in the PC-Tool options under "General". Select Tools`PC-Tool options...
in the main menu.
Settings for reading out sensors
On the Service tab, a section with the sensor values is displayed to the right of the actuator
Sensor display in MP mode
M40035 - 05/10 - Subject to change. © Belimo Aircontrols (USA), Inc.