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PC-Tool User Manual
Select a printer and a configuration file.
Enter the number of identical labels that are to be printed for "Number of labels per actuator".
When parameterizing limited lots, the total number of printed labels is equal to this value times
the number of actuators.
Enter the desired texts {41} – {44} that are to be printed, if necessary. A maximum of 50
characters are available per text box. In text with consecutive numbering, a number is entered
instead of the place holder "#". This number is increased by one for each new actuator.
If labels have already been used from a label sheet, you can specify at what label position the
printing should start (for example 4 when 3 labels have been used from the first row).
Your entries and the selected printer are preserved from one label printing process to the next
(automatic saving). You can empty the input boxes with Reset Form.
The texts {41} – {44} must be present in the label configuration file in the form of place holders.
Otherwise, they will not be printed out.
3.9.3 Printing labels offline
Labels can still be printed even if no actuator is connected. In this case, only the information
from the project data, the texts entered in the dialog and the current date can be output. The
start number is always used instead of the place
holder #.
Click the "Print label" icon (with gray background).
Option Click the project in the outline bar [C] with the right mouse button and select "Label Printing". Or
select Project ` Print Label in the main menu.
For Number of labels per actuator, enter the number of identical labels to be printed. The
number with the placeholder "#" is NOT counted up. The further procedure is the same for
printing actuator labels.
3.10 Transformation tables
Transformation tables are for converting the sensor value into another physical quantity, for
example from resistance (in ohms) to temperature (in °C) for NTC resistors. Several frequently
used transformation tables are supplied with the program.
Selecting a transformation table
Select a transformation table with the combobox. The corresponding converted value is
displayed underneath the sensor value.
The measured sensor variable in the table must match the selected sensor type: volts for active
sensors, ohms for sensor resistors, on/off for switches.
M40035 - 05/10 - Subject to change. © Belimo Aircontrols (USA), Inc.