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PC-Tool User Manual
{0} Company name (from project data)
{1} Project name
{10} Actuator type
{11} OEM designation
{12} Position
{13} Serial number
{14} MP address
{20} Control type Y
{21} Feedback signal U5
Range of rotation min – mid – max
{23} Running time
{24} Direction of rotation (cw /ccw)
{25} Bus fail position
{26} Sensitivity
{27} Synchronization at
{28} Torque
{29} Nominal range
{30} Conductance
{31} Vnom
{32} Vmax
{34} Vmin
{36} Control fct.
{37} Mode
{40} Printing date
{41} Text with consecutive numbering
{42} Freely definable text 1
{43} Freely definable text 2
{44} Freely definable text 3
Switching point S1 in degrees (°)
Switching point S2 in degrees (°)
{52} Setting damper free running test
You can define up to 50 lines. The program does not check whether the lines fit on a label.
When you define a new configuration file in a project, this configuration will not be directly
available in other projects. However, you can return to the original project folder from all
projects by using the entry <Other...> in the combobox, and then use the file.
M40035 - 05/10 - Subject to change. © Belimo Aircontrols (USA), Inc.