User Manual

Associated: The Card is connected to a wireless network. The numbers
following the word “Associated” refer to the MAC address of the wireless
access point that the Card is connected to.
Scanning: The Card is searching for an available wireless network and will
automatically scan for one. If the Card continues to scan without joining a
network, this means that there are no available networks in your area, or
there is another problem.
Disable Radio/Enable Radio Button
It is possible to completely turn off the Card’s wireless transmitter (radio)
by pressing the “Disable Radio” button. After pressing the button, it will
change to read “Enable Radio”. To enable the radio again, click the “Enable
Radio” button.
Power Saving
The power saving mode will turn the card off when it is not in use. We rec-
ommend that you leave this option disabled. When enabled, there will be a
short delay to turn the Card on before it can transmit and receive data.
This delay can make your Internet connection appear to be slow.
If your Card loses the connection to the wireless network for any reason,
simply click on the “Reconnect” button to scan for the wireless network
and reconnect to it.
wireless networking
wireless networking
Link Status Tab
Channel Display
This displays the current channel that the wireless network is operating
on. In a wireless network using a wireless router or an access point, the
wireless router or access point determines the operating channel. In a
computer-to-computer network, the channel is determined by you. For
more information, see the “Operating Mode” section.
Tx Rate Display
This shows the current rate at which the Card will transmit and receive
wireless data. For more information, see the “Transmit Rate” section.
Throughput Display
Transmit: This field shows the wireless transmission throughput in
Receive: This field shows the wireless receipt throughput in
Link Quality/Signal Strength Displays
Link Quality bar: Indicates the quality of the link between the Card and
the wireless network. Signal Strength bar: Indicates the strength of the
signal coming from the wireless network.
State Display
This field shows you if the Card is connected to a wireless network or if it
is searching for a wireless network. There are two states: