Installation Guide

Corner Shelves-
Prior to installing the Corner Shelve it is necessary to adhere the biscuits. Start by applying silicone inside
the middle slots (pic. 6.1), then insert the biscuits inside the slots until only the tab is exposed (pic. 6.2 &
6.3)), then let it cure for at least 2 hours.
Pic. 6.1 Pic. 6.2 Pic. 6.3
After you have determined where you want the corner shelve located, press the dish to the wall in
where both biscuits are touching the walls (pic 6.4). Then draw a line on both sides of the biscuit from
the back of the biscuit to ½” beyond the front of the biscuit (pics. 6.4 & 6.5), so that it can slide forward
once the biscuits are inserted.
Pic. 6.4 Pic 6.3
Using a Roto zip blade with trying to control the depth of 5/16”, cut a groove in the panel on both sides
of the wall following the line and stopping ½” from the back of the dish (pic. 6.4).
Pic. 6.4 Pic. 6.5