User's Manual

You can st ore phone num bers and t heir
corresponding nam es in t he m em ories of your
SI M card and t he phone. You can st ore up t o 500
and 200 ent ries r espectively t he SI M car d and
phone m em ories, alt hough physically separat e,
are used as if t hey were a single entity, called the
St oring a Phone N um ber
w it h a N am e
1. Key in t he num ber t o be st ored.
N ot e : I f you m ake a m ist ak e w hile ent ering a num ber,
cor rect it using t he Clr k ey. For fur ther det ails,
refer t o eZi t ext input .
2. When y ou are sure t hat it is correct , press t he
Sa ve soft key.
3. Ent er the corresponding nam e up t o 20
char act ers.
For inform ation on how t o enter a nam e, see eZi
text input.
I f necessary, press t he < Navigation Down> key t o
highlight t he Num ber field and edit t he num ber .
4. When y ou are sat isfied, press t he OK soft key.
5. Press t he < Navigat ion Left > or < Navigation
Right> key t o select the desired m em ory location
from Phone and SI M Ca rd.
6. Press t he SAVE soft key t o st ore t he nam e and
num ber.
Spe ed- D ia ling fr om
Once you have assigned speed-dial allocation t o
the Phonebook entries (refer t o Speed Dials in
Phonebook options) , y ou can dial the num ber
wit h one key pr ess. Speed-dialing w ill sav e you
ent er ing all digit s of t he num ber .
To speed-dial a num ber, press and hold down the
appropriat e key 2 to 9 in Standby m ode.
N ot e : Mem or y locat ion 1 is reserv ed for your Voice
Mail ser ver num ber.
Using Phonebook Options
I n St andby m ode, Nam es appear s above t he
right soft k ey to allow you t o access the
Phonebook . The Phonebook provides you wit h
the v arious options.
Accessing t he Opt ions
To access the various phonebook opt ions,
proceed as follow s.
1. I n St andby m ode, press t he Nam es soft key.
The first available opt ion is highlight ed.
2. To... The n pr e ss t h e...
Select t he OK soft key.
highlighted opt ion
Highlight a the < Navigat ion Up or
differ ent opt ion Dow n> key one or m ore
tim es unt il t he required
opt ion is highlight ed.
Exit t he Phonebook Ba ck soft key or the
< End : Power> key.