User's Manual

Ent ering Tex t
When using y our phone, you will need t o enter
text at m any t im es. For ex am ple, when st oring a
nam e in t he Phonebook, creat ing a greet ing not e,
wr it ing a t ext m essage or scheduling ev ents in
your calendar.
The following t ext input m odes ar e available.
Ezi Pin yin : allows you to ent er t he Chinese
char act ers using their pinyin, the phonetic
syst em .
Ezi St rok e: allows y ou t o ent er t he Chinese
char act ers using their strokes.
Ezi English: allows you t o ent er t he English
let t ers by pressing each key once for each
char act er. The words are predict ed along along
wit h ot her candidat es t hat fit t he let t ers t yped
thus far .
Ezi ABC: allows you to enter let t ers by pressing
the k ey labeled wit h the desired let t er once, t w ice,
or t hree t im es until t he let t er appears on the
Ezi 1 2 3 : allows you t o ent er num bers.
Sym bol: allows you to enter t he sy m bols or
punct uat ion m arks.
N ot e : All t ext input m odes are not available when
ent er ing char act ers. When ent ering a nam e for a
Phonebook entry, for exam ple, only Let t er m ode is
Changing Tex t I nput M ode
When you are in a field t hat allows charact ers
ent ry, you should notice t he tex t input m ode
indicat or in t he display.
To change t o another t ext input m ode;
1. Press t he @ k ey repeat edly until you find the
desired m ode.
2. Press t he < Navigat ion Up or Down> key
repeat edly until you find the desired input
m ode from the list .
3. Press t he OK soft key.
You will see t he text input m ode indicator in
the t op line of the display:
Ezi Pinyin m ode Pinyin
Ezi Stroke m ode St roke
Ezi English m ode Letter
Ezi ABC m ode ABC, Abc, or abc
Ezi 123 m ode 123
Sym bol m ode Sym bol
Dict ionary m ode Dict ionary
List Dict ionary m ode List Dictionary
Direct ions for using each of the t ext input m odes
appear lat er in t his chapt er.