User's Manual

Set t ings
Using t his m enu, you can act ivate use of PI N
( Personal I dent ificat ion Num ber) provided by SI M
card and change the PI N code if available.
Enable PI N / Disa ble PI N
When t he PI N Request feat ure is enabled, you
m ust enter your PI N each t im e you swit ch t he
phone on. Consequent ly , any person w ho does
not have your PI N cannot use your phone
wit hout your approval.
I f t he PI N is disabled, Enable PI N m enu is
displayed and vice versa.
N ot e : Before disabling t he PIN Request feat ur e, you
m ust ent er your PIN.
The following opt ions ar e available.
Disa ble: the phone connect s direct ly to t he
net work when you swit ch it on.
Enable: you m ust enter t he PI N each t im e t he
phone is switched on.
Cha nge PI N
This feat ur e allow s you t o change your current
PI N t o a new one, provided that t he PI N Request
feat ure is enabled. You m ust enter t he current
PI N befor e you can specify a new one.
Once you have entered a new PI N, you are asked
to confirm it by ent ering it again.
Priva t e Passw ord
Using t his m enu, you can act ivate use of t he
passw ord for t he Private m enu and change the
the password.
Pa ssw ord Request
When t he Password Request feat ur e is enabled,
you m ust enter t he 8- digit password each t im e
you try to access t he Private m enu. This
prevents your private inform at ion fr om being
accessed by unaut horized person.
The following opt ions ar e available.
Off: y ou are not asked t o enter t he phone
passw ord when you swit ch the phone on.
On: you ar e required t o enter t he phone
passw ord when you swit ch the phone on.
Cha nge Passw ord
The Change Password feat ur e allow s you t o
change your current Pr ivat e password t o a new
one. You m ust enter t he current password before
you can specify a new one.
The password is fact ory set to 00000000. Once
you have enter ed a new password, you are asked
to confirm it by ent ering it again.