User's Manual

Call Ba rring
The call barring net w or k service allows y ou t o
rest rict your calls.
First you can select the it em am ong below ones.
You can specify individual barring options for
each of t he following call t y pes:
Voice ca lls
All data ca lls
All fax ca lls
Call barr ing can be set up in t he following ways.
All: calls cannot be r eceived or m ade.
Outgoing: calls cannot be m ade.
I nt e r national: inter nat ional calls cannot be
m ade.
I nt e x p. Hom e: when abroad, calls can be
m ade only t o num bers wit hin t he current count ry
and t o your hom e country, t hat is t he count ry
wher e your hom e net work provider is locat ed.
W hen Roam : calls cannot be r eceived w hen y ou
are using your phone out side your hom e service
Cance l All: all call barr ing set t ings are
deact iv at ed; calls can be m ade and r eceived
nor m ally.
You can specify individual barring options for
each of t he following call t y pes:
Voice calls
All dat a calls
All fax calls
To set your call barr ing opt ions, pr oceed as
1. Select t he t ype of calls t o be barred by
pressing t he < Navigat ion Up> or < Navigation
Down> key until t he appropriat e opt ion is
highlighted and t hen press t he SELECT soft key.
2. Select t he t ype of call barr ing r equired by
pressing t he < Navigat ion Up> or < Navigation
Down> key until t he appropriat e opt ion is
highlighted and t hen press t he SELECT soft key.
3. Press t he Act ivate soft key to confirm your
set t ings.
4. Enter your call barring password supplied by
your ser vice provider.
The phone sends your settings t o the network
and t he network s acknow ledgem ent is displayed.
To deactivat e specific call barr ing set t ings,
proceed as follow s.
1. Select t he t ype of call t o which t his opt ion
2. Select t he call barring option t o be
deact iv at ed.
3. Press t he D e act iva t e soft key .
4. Enter your call barring password supplied by
your ser vice provider.
The phone sends your settings t o the network
and t he network s acknow ledgem ent is displayed.
You can also deact ivat e all call barring set t ings
by selecting t he Can ce l All option.
You can set and change t he call barring password
obt ained fr om your ser vice provider using t he
Passw ord Change option. You m ust ent er the
cur rent password before you can specify a new