User's Manual

Using the Menus
The phone offer s a range of funct ions t hat allow s
you t o t ailor the phone t o your needs. These
funct ions ar e arranged in m enus and subm enus.
The m enus and subm enus can be accessed by
scrolling or using t he short cut s.
Acce ssing a Me nu
Funct ions by Scr olling
1. I n idle m ode, pr ess t he Le ft soft key t o access
the m enu facilit y. Scroll wit h the left / right soft
key t o reach the desired m ain m enu. To show t he
m ain m enu s entry, press t he < Navigat ion Right >
key .
2. I f t he m enu cont ains any subm enus:
for exam ple, y ou can find t he one you want by
scrolling wit h the < Navigat ion Right > or
< Navigat ion Left > key .
Press t he < Navigat ion Center > or Left soft key
to enter t he subm enu.
I f t he m enu you have select ed cont ains
subm enus, repeat t his st ep.
3. Scroll m enu with t he < Navigation Up> or
< Navigat ion Down> key, press t he < Navigat ion
Cent er> key t o confirm t he chosen m enu.
N ot e s: You can r et urn t he prev ious m enu level by
pr essing t he right soft key.
You can ex it t he m enu wit hout changing the
m enu set t ings by pr essing the < End : Power> key.
List of M enu Funct ions
The list shows t he m enu st ruct ure available and
indicat es t he num ber assigned t o each option.
Messa ges
Writ e Message
I nbox
Out box
Tem plat es
Set t ings
I nfo Message
Voice Mail
Call Regist er
Call Hist ory
Call Durat ion
Call cost s
Pr ofile
Vibration Only
Out door
Ot her
Phon e Se t t in g
Tim e/ Dat e Set
Alarm Set
Display Set
Securit y
Default Set
Call Se t t ing
Call Div ert
Call Waiting
Call Bar ring
Answer Mode
Minute Minder
Aut o Redial