User's Manual

place obj ect s, including both inst alled or por t able
wireless equipm ent in t he area over t he air bag
or in the air bag deploym ent area. I f in- vehicle
wireless equipm ent is im properly inst alled and
the air bag inflat es, serious injury could result .
Swit ch off your phone before boarding an aircraft .
The use of m obile phones in an aircraft m ay be
dangerous t o t he operation of t he aircraft , disr upt
the wireless t elephone net w ork and m ay be
Failure t o observe t hese instruct ions m ay lead to
the suspension or denial of t elephone services t o
the offend er, or legal act ion, or bot h.
Em erge ncy Calls
I m por t ant !
This phone, like any m obile phone, operates
using radio signals, wireless and landline
net works as well as user program m ed funct ions
which cannot guarantee connect ion in all
condit ions. Therefore, you should never r ely
solely upon any w ir eless phone for essent ial
com m unications (for exam ple, m edical
em ergencies) .
Rem em ber, to m ak e or r eceive any calls t he
phone m ust be swit ched on and in a service area
wit h adequat e signal st rengt h. Em er gency calls
m ay not be possible on all wireless phone
net works or when certain net w ork services
and/ or phone features are in use. Check wit h
local service providers.
To m a k e a n em er gency call:
1. I f t he phone is not on, swit ch it on.
2. Key in the em er gency num ber for your present
location ( for ex am ple, 911 or ot her official
em ergency num ber ) . Em ergency num ber s vary
by locat ion.
3. Press t he key.
I f certain features are in use ( keyguar d, r est rict
calls, et c.), you m ay fir st need t o t urn t hose
feat ures off before you can m ake an em ergency
call. Consult t his docum ent and your local cellular
ser vice provider.
When m aking an em ergency call, rem em ber t o
give all t he necessary inform at ion as accurat ely
as possible.
Rem em ber that your phone m ay be t he only
m eans of com m unicat ion at the scene of an
accident - do not cut off t he call until given
perm ission t o do so.
Ra dio Frequen cy ( RF) Sign als
Your wireless phone is a r adio t ransm itter and
receiver .
I t is designed and m anufact ur ed not t o exceed
the em ission lim its for exposure t o radio
frequency ( RF) ener gy set by the Federal
Com m unicat ions Com m ission ( FCC) of t he U.S.
Governm ent . These lim it s ar e par t of
com prehensiv e guidelines and est ablish
perm it t ed level of RF energy for t he general
populat ion. The guidelines are based on t he
safet y st andards t hat were developed by
independent scient ific organizations though
periodic and t hr ough evaluat ion of scient ific
st udies studies.
The st andards include a subst antial safet y
m argin designed t o assure t he safety of all
persons, r egar dless of age and health.
The exposur e st andard for wireless phones
em ploys a unit of m easurem ent know n as
Specific Absorpt ion Rat e ( SAR). The SAR lim it
set by t he FCC is 1.6W/ kg
I n t he U.S. and Canada, t he SAR lim it for
m obile phones used by t he public is 1.6
watts/ kg ( W/ kg) aver aged over one gram of
tissue. The st andard incorporat es a subst antial
m argin of safet y t o give addition prot ect ion for
the public and t o account for any variat ions in
m easurem ent s.
SAR t est s are conduct ed using standard
operat ing positions specified by t he FCC wit h
the phone transm it t ing at it s highest cert ified
power level in all t est ed frequency bands.
Although t he SAR is det er m ined at t he highest
cer t ified power level, the act ual SAR level of
the phone while operat ing can be well below