User's Manual

the m axim um value. This is because the phone
is designed to operate at m ult iple pow er level
so as t o use only t he power required t o reach
the network. I n general, the closer y ou are t o a
wireless base st at ion ant enna, t he lower the
power out put of t he phone.
Before a new m odel phone is av ailable for sale
to t he public, it m ust be test ed and cert ified t o
the FCC t hat it does not exceed the lim it
est ablished by the governm ent -adopt ed
requirem ent for safe exposure.
The t est s ar e perfor m ed in posit ions and
locations (e.g., at t he ear and worm on t he
body) as required by t he FCC for each m odel.
While there m ay be differences bet w een t he
SAR levels of var ious phones and at var ious
posit ions, they all m eet t he governm ent
requirem ent .
The FCC has grant ed an Equipm ent
Aut horizat ion for t his m odel phone wit h all
reported SAR levels evaluat ed as in com pliance
wit h t he FCC RF exposure guidelines.
SAR inform at ion on t his m odel phone is on file
wit h t he FCC and can be found under t he
Display Grant sect ion of
ht t p: / / cet / fccid aft er searching on FCC
I D print ed in t he label on t he phone. FCC
cer t ification inform at ion for t his m odel phone is
at t ached separ at ion paper.
SAR com pliance for body- wor n operations is
rest rict ed t o belt - clips, holsters, or accessories
that have no m et allic com ponent in t he assem bly
and w hich pr ovide at least 1.5cm seperation
bet ween t he dev ice, including it s ant enna, and
the user s body.
For m ore I nform at ion concerning exposure t o
radio frequency signals, see t he follow ing
Federal Com m unicat ions Com m ission ( FCC)
ht t p: / / w rfsafet y
Cellular Telecom m unicat ions I ndust r y
Associat ion (CITA)
ht t p: / / w com .com
U.S. Food and Drug Adm inist rat ion ( FDA)
ht t p: / / w cdt h.consum er
World Healt h Or ganizat ion (WHO)
ht t p: / / w / peh-em f/ en
Care a nd M aint enance
Your phone is a product of super ior design and
craft sm anship and should be treat ed wit h care.
The suggest ions below will help you to fulfill any
warr ant y obligat ions and allow you t o enj oy t his
product for m any years. When using your phone,
bat t ery, charger, OR any accessory:
Keep it and all its part s and accessories out of
sm all children s reach.
Keep it dry. Precipit at ion, hum idit y and liquids
cont ain m iner als t hat will cor rode elect ronic
circuit s.
Do not use or st or e it in dust y, dirt y areas as
it s m oving part s can be dam aged.
Do not store it in hot areas. High tem perat ures
can shor t en t he life of elect ronic devices, dam age
bat t eries, and warp or m elt certain plast ics.
Do not store it in cold ar eas. When the phone
warm s up ( to its norm al oper at ing t em per at ure) ,
m oist ure can form inside t he phone, which m ay
dam age the phone s elect ronic cir cuit boards.
Do not drop, k nock or shake it . Rough handling
can break int ernal circuit boards.
Do not use har sh chem icals, cleaning solvent s,
or st rong det ergents t o clean it . Wipe it w it h a
soft clot h slightly dam pened in a m ild soap and
water solut ion.
Do not paint it . Paint can clog t he dev ice s
m oving part s and prevent proper operat ion.
Use only t he supplied or an appr oved
replacem ent antenna. Unaut horized antennas,
m odificat ions of at t achm ent s could dam age t he
phone and m ay violat e regulations governing
radio devices.