User's Manual

Get t ing St art ed
I nst alling a SI M Card
When you subscribe t o a m obile net w ork, you
are provided wit h a plug- in SI M card loaded wit h
your subscript ion det ails (PI N, opt ional services
available and so on) .
1. I f necessary, swit ch t he phone off t o press
and hold down the < End: Power> key.
2. Rem ove t he bat t ery. To do so:
After pushing t he lock but t on, pull t he bat t er y
cover t oward out side.
Lift t he bat t ery away, as shown.
3. I nsert the SI M card ensuring t hat the cut
corner is at t he t op right and t he gold cont act s
of t he card face int o t he phone.
4. Reinst all t he battery. To do so:
Place t he bat t ery so t hat t he tabs on it align
to t he connect ors at t he inside of t he phone.
Close t he bat t er y cov er unt il it clicks int o
place. Make sure t hat the bat t er y is properly
inst alled before swit ching on t he phone.
Charging a Ba tt er y
Your phone is powered by a rechargeable Li- ion
bat t ery.
A t ravel adapt er and a desk t op charger are
provided wit h your phone. Use only approved
bat t eries and chargers. Ask your local dealer for
further details.
N ot e : You m ust fully charge t he bat t er y before using
your phone for t he first t im e. The phone can be
used while the bat tery is charging.
Cha rging t he Batter y Alone
To charge the battery alone, use t he deskt op
charger unit .
1. Open t he cover of t he deskt op charger.
2. I nsert the battery alone into t he slot m aking
sur e t hat t he t er m inals on the bat t ery cont act
to t he term inals on t he slot .
3. Push down t he battery until y ou hear a click.
4. I nsert the lead of t he travel adapt er int o t he
connect or socket of t he deskt op charger.
5. Connect t he adapt er t o a st andard AC w all
out let .
6. The color indication of t he LED on the char ger
is as follow s:
Red : char ging
Blue : fully charged
7. When charging is finished ( t he LED t ur ns in
green) , unplug t he power cord of t he adapt er
from t he AC out let and rem ove the bat t er y
from t he char ger.
Cha r ging t he Batter y w ith the
Phon e
You can use t he phone w hile charging by
charging t he bat t ery attached t o t he phone.
1. Wit h the bat t er y in posit ion on t he phone,
connect t he lead from t he t ravel adapt er to
the connect or at t he bot t om of t he phone.
2. Connect t he charger t o a st andard AC wall
out let .
3. When charging is finished ( t he LED t ur ns in
green) , disconnect t he adapt er from t he power
out let and from t he phone.