User's Manual

SmarTire Systems Inc.
Tire Monitoring System Reference Manual
6/13/2000 Page 39 of 55
This manual is under review by SmarTire DO NOT ISSUE
Checking Tire Conditions
When power is applied a single beep accompanies all ICONS and lights turning on. Then screen
blanks and only button lights stay on green.
Vehicle motion initiates data transmission from the wheel transmitters. The MFD windshield
symbol (and louver) turn on, followed by each of the tire position icons. The windshield symbol
indicates that data is coming from the towing vehicle transmitters.
Standby mode Display after power up with no transmissions yet
Standby mode This vehicle display indicates that transmissions
have been received from all four transmitters of
the towing vehicle.
Standby mode This vehicle display indicates that transmissions
have been received from both transmitters of the
towed vehicle.