User Guide

Table Of Contents
AV8OR Ace User’s Guide Aviation Mode Operation
VFR Moving Map Function
Pub. No D200904000003 Page 3-26 Rev 1 Jul 2009
© Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of
The Bearing Data Field displays the bearing of the
current destination WPT for the aircraft position in degrees relative to
magnetic north.
Course Deviation Indicator (CDI) Data Field
The Course Deviation Indicator Data Field displays the
perpendicular distance from the aircraft position to the desired track.
The triangle in the center displays whether the aircraft is going TO or
FROM the destination WPT. If the triangle points upwards, the
aircraft is going TO the destination. If the triangle points downwards,
the aircraft is going FROM the destination.
The table below displays the full scale limits for the CDI.
Table 3-2 Course Deviation Limits
Units Available CDI limits
Nautical miles 0.3 nm, 1.0 nm and 5.0 nm
Statute miles 0.4 sm, 1.0 sm and 5.0 sm
Kilometers 0.6 km, 2.0 km and 10.0 km
Departure Time Data Field
The departure time window displays the departure time
when the ground speed of the aircraft is 20 knots or higher. The time
is displayed in HH:MM format. The time is dashed if there is no
departure time available.
Destination Waypoint
The destination waypoint ident data window displays
the ident of the final destination waypoint if a flight plan is active.
Note: This also provides a shortcut to the charts pages for the final
If there is not an active flight plan then dashes are displayed. The
waypoint ident is truncated to fit into the size of the data window.