User Manual

The ARGO-E gas collector is located back in the
barrel, thereby facilitating the automatic cleaning
of combustion residues after each firing cycle.
These residues may, in any case, become den-
ser, particularly after a long period in which the
weapon has not been used, with the consequent
risk of piston blockage.
Where the weapon is not used for a long time,
and in any case at the end of the hunting season,
please clean the gas collector as follows:
1) Dismantle the barrel and piston (see stripping
procedure on page 10).
2) Carefully clean the piston, the piston guide,
the elastic bands and the inside of the cylinder
with a bronze cleaning rod.
3) Check that the piston slides freely and that the
holding elastic bands are free to oscillate on
the piston.
WARNING: do not lubricate the piston and the
inside of the cylinder. Oil can lead to the accu-
mulation of combustion residues.
For any servicing whatsoever, please contact the
nearest Benelli Technical Assistance Center.
Rifle assembly
For correct assembly of the rifle after main-
tenance, proceed as follows:
1) Fit the whole trigger unit, with cocked ham-
mer, onto the receiver; position it so that it is
the front end that comes into contact with the
receiver (figs. 54-55).
2) Push in the trigger guard pin bush (fig. 56).
3) Slide the locking head into the bolt making
sure that the hole on the stem coincides with
the bolt slot (fig. 57).