User Manual

Benelli Armi S.p.A. proudly presents the new
ARGO-E line of semi-automatic rifles, that are the
result of Benelli’s Research and Development
Centre’s operational efficiency, added to Benelli’s
extensive technical experience and skilled
constructional engineering.
The reduced number of components plus the
extremely simplified and rational design provide
highly reliable operational performances. The
new rifles are practical to use and easy to strip
and service, to the extent that they have every
right be considered as being the most innovative,
accurate, safe, fast and stylish weapons of their
kind available now on the market.
Before beginning any operation on your rifle,
always make sure that chamber and magazine
have been completely emptied!
(Carefully read loading and unloading instruc-
ARGO-E rifles are fitted with a prismatic magazine;
their semi-automatic operation is based upon the
patented Benelli ARGO (Auto Regulating Gas
Operated) system, featuring a revolving bolt
head built with three locking teeth that perfectly
close the breech axially.
We can divide the weapon’s operational system
into 8 specific actions:
firing once the trigger is pulled the ham-
mer is set off and the impact with the
firing pin fires up the cartridge in the
chamber. The gasses that are given
off by the reaction shoot the shell
out of the barrel and simultaneously
expand into the gas collector cylin-
der, thus causing immediate retrac-
tion on behalf of the piston with sub-
sequent bolt retraction. This conse-
quently leads to the
clearing of the chamber, which is opened
and made ready for subsequent
extraction which entails removal of the cartrid-
ge case from the chamber, and
ejection whereby the cartridge case is defini-
tely ejected out of the rifle. In the
final phases of the out motion the
mechanism gets ready for
reloading which in synthesis can also be con-
sidered as being “energy storage” for
the next shot. Separate devices
simultaneously provide
introduction which entails automatic exit of a
new cartridge from the magazine
and subsequent
positioning of the cartridge into the firing cham-
ber, followed by
clamping i.e. air-tight sealing of the chamber.
The rifle is now ready to shoot.