User's Guide

right page (15) of C60 Lion, short, am, A31008-H5850-A40-1-4A19 (08.08.2003, 10:13)
Siemens AG 2003, G:\Mobil\L55\C60_Lion\am\SUG\
15Switching on/off, PIN
VAR Language: English; VAR issue date: 11-Juli-2003
Emergency number
Use only in real emergencies!
By pressing the soft key §SOS§ you can
make an emergency call on any net-
work without a SIM card and without
entering a PIN (not available in all
Standby mode
When the name of the service pro-
vider appears on the display, the
phone is in standby mode and ready for
The left soft key may have different
functions pre-assigned to it.
Hold down the On/Off/End
key to return to standby
mode from any menu
Service provider
01.10.2003 10:10
NewMMS Menu