User's Guide

right page (55) of C60 Lion, short, am, A31008-H5850-A40-1-4A19 (08.08.2003, 10:13)
Siemens AG 2003, G:\Mobil\L55\C60_Lion\am\SUG\
55Care and maintenance
VAR Language: English; VAR issue date: 11-Juli-2003
Care and
'Your phone has been designed and
manufactured to the highest of
standards and should be treated
with the greatest of care. The sug-
gestions below will help you to enjoy
your phone for many years.
Protect your phone from moisture
and humidity! Precipitation,
humidity and liquids contain min-
erals that will corrode electronic
circuits. Nevertheless, should your
phone become wet, disconnect it
immediately from the power sup-
ply and remove the battery!
Do not use or store the phone in
dusty, dirty areas. Its moving parts
may become damaged.
Do not store your phone in hot
areas. High temperatures can
shorten the life of electronic
devices, damage batteries and
warp or melt certain plastics.
Do not store your phone in cold
areas. When the phone warms up
again (to its normal ambient tem-
perature), moisture can form
inside the phone, which may dam-
age electronic circuit boards.
Do not drop, knock or shake your
phone. Rough handling can dam-
age internal circuit boards!
Do not use harsh chemicals, clean-
ing solvents, or strong detergents
to clean the phone!
The suggestions given above apply
equally to your phone, battery,
charger and all accessories. If any of
these parts are not working properly,
take them to your nearest qualified
service outlet. The personnel there
will assist you and, if necessary,
repair the device.