User's Manual

123Mobile Phone Manager
© Siemens AG 2003, C:\Siemens\DTP-Satz\Produkte\C75_Aries_1\Output\FUG\C75_FUG_FCC_us-en_050608_te\
Template: X75, Version 2.2; VAR Language: am; VAR issue date: 050524
right page (123) of C75 FCC, us-en FUG am, (09.06.2005, 08:40)
Backup and restore
With the backup function, you can
regularly make a copy of your phone
data on the PC. If you ever lose the
data on your phone or replace the
phone, you can quickly retrieve all
data with the restore function.
Please observe all applicable restric-
tions for DRM protected data.
Bookmark Management
Use your PC to browse the internet
and define your preferred internet
sites. Save the internet addresses as
bookmarks on your phone so that
you can quickly call them up at a lat-
er time when you are on the move.
Phone explorer
With Phone Explorer you can access
your phone's data fast and comfort-
ably. The phone is simply added to
your PC's file structure as i fit was just
another folder on your PC.
Mobile Modem Assistant
Mobile Modem Assistant quickly and
effortlessly sets up an internet con-
nection over your mobile phone so
that you can at once surf the internet
at home or abroad without difficulty.