User's Manual

© Siemens AG 2005, E:\Auftrag\Siemens\MobilePhones\FCCs\cc75\SUG\
Template: Mars 143x105 1Col, Version 1.2; VAR Language: en; VAR issue date: 050808
left page (6) of CC75 MARS FCC_1COL us-en, (07.10.2005, 16:08)
Information for parents
Please read the operating instructions and safety pre-
cautions carefully before use.
Explain the content and the hazards associated with
using the phone to your children.
Remember to comply with legal requirements
and local restrictions when using the phone.
For example in aeroplanes, petrol stations, hos-
pitals or while driving.
Cellular phones can interfere with the function-
ing of medical devices such as hearing aids
or pacemakers. Keep at least 8 inches (21 cm)
between phone and pacemaker. When using
the cell phone hold it to the ear which is farthest
from the pacemaker. For more information con-
sult your doctor.
The ringtone (p. 40), info tones and speaker-
phone talking are reproduced through the
loudspeaker. Do not hold the phone to your ear
when it rings or when you have switched on
the speakerphone function (p. 30). Otherwise
you risk serious, permanent damage to your