User's Manual

Product data46
© Siemens AG 2004, E:\Auftrag\Siemens\MobilePhones\FCCs\cf76\SUG\
left page (46) of CF76 SUG 140 mm en, A31008-H6090-A40-1-4A19 (28.09.2005, 11:45)
Template: X75, Version 2.2; VAR Language: am; VAR issue date: 050920
Product data
Declaration of conformity
BenQ Mobile hereby declares that the phone de-
scribed in this user guide is in compliance with the
essential requirements and other relevant provi-
sions of European Directive 1999/5/EC (R&TTE).
The relevant declaration of conformity (DoC) has
been signed. Please call the company hotline if you
require a copy of the original:
Technical data
Operating time
The operating time depends upon the respective
conditions of use: Extreme temperatures consider-
ably reduce the phone’s standby time. Avoid leav-
ing the phone in the sun or on a heater.
Call time: 100 to 330 minutes
Standby time: 60 to 275 hours
GSM class: 4 (2 watt)
Frequency range: 824894 MHz
GSM class: 1 (1 watt)
Frequency range: 1,7101,880 MHz
GSM class: 1 (1 watt)
Frequency range: 1,8501,990 MHz
Weight: 91 g
(3.21 oz)
Size: 94 × 47 × 22 mm (80 cc)
Li-Ion battery: 600 mAh
–10 °C to +55 °C
(15 °F to 130 °F)
SIM card: 3.0 V
Phone ID
You will need the following details if you lose
your phone or SIM card:
The number of the SIM card (on the card):
15-digit serial number of the phone
(under the battery):
The customer service number of the
service provider:
Lost phone
If you lose your phone or SIM card, contact your
service provider immediately to prevent misuse.
Action taken Time
Reduction of standby
time by
Calling 1 3090 minutes
Light * 1 40 minutes
search 1 510 minutes
* Keypad input, games, organizer, etc.