User's Manual

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Menus 99
The number “1” you see on the right of a pitch symbol
indicates one beat. Nothing is shown on the display for the
Middle octave as the Middle octave does not have a
representative symbol.
Entering a rest
Press to enter an one beat rest: 01.
Adjusting a note's length
The default note length is an one beat note. Press the
appropriate number of times to adjust the note length, which is
indicated by the number shown on the right of a pitch note--
(2 beat), 4 (4 beat), /2 (1/2 beat), /4 (1/4 beat), /8 (1/8 beat), 1
(1 beat). See examples in the chart below:
Adjusting a note's octave
The default notes just entered are in the middle octave. Press
to adjust a note's octave.
The following are examples:
Represented note Shown as
Middle octave 1 beat So g1
Middle octave 2 beat So g2
Middle octave 4 beat So g4
Middle octave 1/2 beat So g/2
Middle octave 1/4 beat So g/4
Middle octave 1/8 beat So g/8
Represented note Shown as
Middle octave 1 beat So g1
Higher octave 1 beat So +g1