User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Using Your Phone 75
new voicemail is waiting. Jot down the SMS alert and come to this
Alert Match option to enter and save the SMS alert. It is not
necessary to enter the whole message, just enough of it to provide a
reliable match for your phone to identify an SMS message as an
SMS alert for a new voicemail.
If the text of the SMS alert varies according to the number of
voicemails the network is holding for you--for example it may
sometimes read “1 new Voicemail” and at other times read “2 new
Voicemails”--you can set a wildcard in the
Alert match option by
inserting a “?”. And the SMS alert you enter will be like “? new voice
message.” Your phone can then use this saved message to identify
the SMS alert sent by your operator.
Cell Broadcast
Cell broadcast messages are general messages that your network
operator broadcasts to all phones within a particular area. These
messages are broadcast in numbered channels. For example, channel
030 might be for local weather, 060 for traffic reports, 080 for
information about local hospitals, taxis, pharmacies, and so forth.
You can receive cell broadcast messages that your network operator
broadcasts, and select your preferred topics and languages.
For more information about available channels and a list of the
information they provide, contact your network operator.
Set Status
Allows you to activate or de-activate the cell broadcast feature.