User's Manual Part 1

Using the Phone Functions 27
Conference Call
To make a conference call:
1. During a call, make a new call to another new calling party, or
answer a new incoming call. Repeat this step if there are mul-
tiple calling parties.
2. Tap the Join calls
Join callsJoin calls
Join calls button. All active calling parties will be
joined together.
Talking Privately to a Calling Party
Talking Privately to a Calling PartyTalking Privately to a Calling Party
Talking Privately to a Calling Party
1. Tap a calling party on the screen.
2. A menu will appear. Tap Extract party
Extract partyExtract party
Extract party. The selected calling
party will become the only active one and others will be put
on hold automatically.
Releasing a Calling Party During a Conference Call
Releasing a Calling Party During a Conference CallReleasing a Calling Party During a Conference Call
Releasing a Calling Party During a Conference Call
1. Tap a calling party on the screen.
2. A menu will appear. Tap Release party
Release partyRelease party
Release party.
Ending a Conference Call
Ending a Conference CallEnding a Conference Call
Ending a Conference Call
To end a conference call, tap the End
End button.
Call Logs
The Call Logs function provides you with the records of the fol-
lowing call types:
• Answered calls (indicated by the icon)
• Dialed calls (indicated by the icon)
• Missed calls (indicated by the icon)
• Rejected calls (indicated by the icon)
If you have missed call(s), the Missed calls dialog will stay on the
screen letting you know about the number of calls missed. Tap
the View button to enter the Missed Call Logs screen. If Cancel is
tapped, the icon will stay on the screen and you can tap it to
open the Missed calls dialog box.
To access Call Logs:
1. Press the key to enter the Phone screen.
2. Tap the tab to open the Call Logs screen.
3. Tap All Calls
All CallsAll Calls
All Calls to open a menu for selecting the type of call logs
you want to view.
4. Tap to select a call type on the menu, and the corresponding
call logs will appear on the screen.
5. Tap a call log record and the detail information will appear on
the screen.
You can make a phone call from a call log record. Please refer to
"Making a Call from the Call Log" on page 25 for details.
Call Logs Options
Call Logs OptionsCall Logs Options
Call Logs Options
Viewing Total Call Information
Viewing Total Call InformationViewing Total Call Information
Viewing Total Call Information
1. Press the key to enter the Phone screen.
2. Tap the tab to open the Call Logs screen.
3. Tap Phone
Phone Phone
Phone and select Total call info
Total call info Total call info
Total call info.
4. The Total call info screen will appear. You can tap the Reset
button to reset call information, or tap the Done
Done button to
Deleting All Call Logs
Deleting All Call LogsDeleting All Call Logs
Deleting All Call Logs
1. Press the key to enter the Phone screen.