
5. After the setting is done, press to return to Quick Menu to save properly.
Adjusting display mode
To display images of aspect ratio other than 16:9 and size other than the panel size of your purchased
model, you can adjust the display mode on the monitor. See Display Mode on page 49 for all the available
1. Press the 5-way controller to bring up the Quick Menu.
2. Go to Menu > Display > Display Mode.
3. Select an appropriate display mode. The setting will take effect immediately.
Choosing an appropriate picture mode
Your monitor provides various picture modes that are suitable for different types of images. Display
settings can be saved by picture mode. See Mode menu on page 42 for all the available options.
1. Press the 5-way controller to bring up the Quick Menu.
2. Go to Menu > Mode.
3. Select an appropriate picture mode. The setting will take effect immediately.
Setting up your own game mode
There are several preset picture modes on your monitor that are suitable for games. To better suit your
needs, you can change and save the related display settings, and switch to your own game mode easily.
1. Press the 5-way controller to bring up the Quick Menu.
2. Make sure the Auto Save function is enabled from Menu > Save > Auto Save.
3. Adjust the related available settings in different OSD menus.
4. The customized settings are applied and saved automatically to the current mode.
5. Alternatively, go to Menu > Save > Save to and save your preferences to a game mode (Gamer1 /
Gamer2 / Gamer3) to the monitor. If you want to switch to your game mode at any time, go to
Mode and select the game mode with the new settings to apply.
Do not plug or unplug S Switch while configuring game mode settings.
If Auto Save is disabled, you need to go to Save > Save Settings to save the settings manually to the current mode
after display adjustment.
Rotation Key 2
Rotation Key 1
Quick Menu
Mode: FPS1
1920 x 1080 @ 240Hz
S Switch Key
Color Vibrance
Black eQualizer
5 Color Vibrance
4 None
3 Black eQualizer
2 Mode
1 Menu