User's Guide

Good The sensor has been detected and is working correctly.
Read Fault
The sensor identification data could not be read.
Model Unrecognized The sensor identification data was successfully read but the model is not recognized.
Model Unsupported The sensor identification data was successfully read but the model is not supported.
Bypass (Identification) The sensor identification data was successfully read but the model has been detected
as a legacy model.
Read Warning
The sensor calibration data could not be read.
Bypass (Calibration) The sensor calibration data was successfully read but the model has been detected
as a legacy model.
Read Warning
The sensor diagnostics data could not be read.
Bypass (Diagnostics) The sensor diagnostics data was successfully read but the model has been detected
as a legacy model.
Read Warning
The sensor detected a temperature read warning.
Read Warning
The sensor detected an accelerometer read warning.
If a sensor warning is displayed, contact Bently Nevada technical support for assistance.
Temperature Min, Max
If the sensor temperature has been read successfully, the maximum and minimum detected
temperatures are displayed.
Vibration Max X, Y, Z
If the sensor vibration values have been read successfully, the maximum overall vibration
recorded for each axis is displayed.
Ranger Pro Wireless Condition Monitoring Device
User Guide 125M6113 Rev. F