User's Guide

2.4 Description
The Ranger Pro ISA100.11a wireless sensor measures temperature, acceleration, and velocity.
Ranger Pro sensors detect acceleration using piezoelectric ceramic sensing elements in the
sensor base. The sensors derive velocity from the acceleration signal. The Ranger Pro sensors
also measure surface contact temperature using a sensor in the device base. The sensor reports
a single temperature per device. You can choose what units are used to measure the data.
Temperature A sensor embedded in the device base measures contact temperature.
Acceleration Overall Discrete, piezoelectric sensing elements measure acceleration in the Z axis for Uni-
Axial Ranger Pro Wireless Sensors and in the X, Y and Z directions for Tri-Axial
Ranger Pro Wireless Sensors. Overall acceleration is calculated over 2.5 seconds.
Velocity Overall Calculated from the acceleration waveform and the overall value is calculated over
a 2.5 second duration.
There are four versions of the device:
sensor (70M403)
Detects velocity and acceleration in three axis (X,Y,andZ) and measures surface
ISA100 tri-axial sensor
Detects velocity and acceleration in three axis (X,Y,andZ) and measures surface
ISA100 single axis sensor
Detects velocity and acceleration in one-axis (vertical,orZ) only and measures
surface temperature.
ISA100 repeater (70M300) Enables you to extend the range between sensors and network access points.
For ISA100 networks, both the tri-axial and uniaxial sensors can also act as routers, although
using the router mode depletes the unit’s battery more quickly.
If a Ranger Pro device can’t communicate with an backbone router, you can use the Ranger Pro
ISA100 repeater or a Ranger Pro ISA100 device enabled as a router to extend your network. We
recommend connecting no more than three Ranger Pro sensors to a Ranger Pro router,
although you may be able to connect up to eight.
Ranger Pro Wireless Condition Monitoring Device
User Guide 125M6113 Rev. F