Owner`s manual

67 | P a g e
HyperVOC ™
HyperVOC is a unique feature the Classic has built in. HyperVOC refers to; when the DC Input Voltage
raises above the maximum operating voltage (150V, 200V, 250V, depending on the Classic model).
HyperVOC gives you the flexibility to go up to the maximum operating voltage PLUS the nominal
battery voltage. For example, the Classic 150 has an input voltage rating of 150 operating volts, if the
Classic 150 is connected to a 48 volt battery bank, the HyperVOC voltage limit will be: 150V + 48V a
total of 198 Volts that the Classic can withstand without breaking. When the Classic input voltage rises
above 150 volts it will switch off (stop outputting power). As long as the Classic is in HyperVOC mode,
the microprocessor and all other functions like AUX will continue running. When the input voltage comes
back down below 150v (or the rated operating voltage of the Classic, depending on model) the Classic
will wake up and start charging again automatically. This could happen in a really cold morning with a
system that has a Voltage Open Circuit (VOC) close to the maximum operating input voltage.
Note 1. A HyperVOC message will be displayed on the bottom right side of the Status screen.
Note 2. Max nominal battery voltage to be added is 48v
HyperVOC can be useful in overcoming an industry shortcoming in charging 48 volt battery’s with
standard panels. For example let’s take a sample system with Solar World 165’s that have a VOC of
44.1vdc. The industry has limited us to 2 of these panels in series making it hard to charge a 48vdc battery
on hot summer days. With the Classic we designed in Hyper VOC to allow you to run 3 of these in series.
3 panels at 44.1vdc will give you a total VOC of 132.3vdc. When temperature compensated for cold
climates to 125% gives you 165vdc. This is above the maximum safe limits for most controllers but falls
well into the Hyper VOC range of the Classic. We do have to use Hyper VOC wisely though if we abuse
it the Controller will never wake up in colder weather.