Owner`s manual

48 | P a g e
time stamp of that data where the cursor is positioned on the graph. Finally, the bottom left of the graph screen al-
ternates between two indicators. One is the charge stage at the cursor position and the other is the scaling of the
vertical axis of the graph. Power for instance, can show a very wide range of values and power lends itself better to
using a logarithmic vertical scale, shown as LOG. Voltage and other data shows up fine using a LINEAR vertical
axis scale and is spelled out on the lower left of the graphic screen.
The Date of the particular selected cursor positioned data point is shown on the bottom middle of the graphic
screen. Moving the cursor left or right using the Left and Right arrow keys, selects the next data points to the left
or to the right of the present cursor position.
The flashing cursor is short and may be hard to detect at first so you may have to look for it. The cursor aligns and
centers itself right on the dot itself that is selected.
The bottom date or time displayed may tend to obscure the data line graphed behind it. The time/date and the graph
data will be mixed together about a second after the date/time is drawn on the bottom of that graph log screen. If,
for some reason, the graphic log screen display shows bogus data or dots that look like they should not be shown,
simply press the Enter button and the screen will be quickly erased and re-drawn without the extra lines or dots.
There may or may not be any valid data past a certain point to the left if the unit is fairly new. The data shown in
unused spots may be zero, or it may be off the screen and not viewable. As time goes on and new data is acquired,
those unused data points will start to appear and be valid. Of course, the Daily history will take many days to fill in,
where the Recent hourly (minutes really) data will fill in after a few hours or maybe a day or two depending on
how long the Classic is on and running for that day. Remember, the Classic does not normally log data while it is
in “Resting” mode.